Our latest report NYC Tourist Study - Planning for 2019 explores New York City tourists’ plans for 2019. The report provides insights into tourists’ NYC visit history, trip specifics, pre-planning, in-market planning, media usage, activity choice, spending, media habits, etc. across key tourist demographics. The full report is available now. Please contact us here for full report.

Most New York City tourists have been to the city before. On average 75% have been to NYC at least once in the past, with a high 28% of domestic US tourists having visited NYC four or more times.

The below table outlines NYC visit history across US and international tourists (UK, Canada, Germany, France and Australia), demonstrating an experienced NYC tourist with a few trips under their belt and most likely a clear understanding of what they like to do when here.

These tourists were also very busy when they were in NYC last, with 80% dining out, 68% attending an attraction, 51% visiting a museum, and 50% going to a Broadway show. The below table outlines activities tourists did when in NYC last. Both tourist segments were extremely busy when in town, clearly maximizing their time. International tourists tend to do slightly more when in town mainly because they normally stay longer than US tourists.

This is a tourism market that has experienced NYC before and has most likely visited their top attractions and destinations while previously in town, which raises two critical questions.

  1. If they already visited your institution, why would they visit a second time?
  2. Why would they visit for the first time if they’ve already passed on your experience before?

In order to stay relevant among repeat visitors or entice new visitors, make sure you are highlighting the newest and most engaging aspects of your experience across all marketing channels. If you’ve been in the market for more than five years, you are most likely changing someone’s mind to consider your experience or convincing them to come back. Answering these two core questions is critical to tourism marketing in a city as well traveled as NYC. This is not a task that should simply rest on marketing’s shoulders, but demands the attention of the entire organization to create new and exciting experiences to drive new customers and repeat visitation.

The full report, NYC Tourist Study - Planning for 2019 is available now for purchase. Please contact us here if interested.


Carl Cricco

Attract Research founder